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Aqua // 16 // she/her

Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Worst Week of My Life

Monday- Worst day #1 
So I was with my best friend and she's all like, Hey Aqua, do you like Skylar? and I am like, Psssh! No! Notice she says the word, LIKE.as in LIKE LIKE
Then I suck on my sleeve and walk away, it was a Monday so I had speech, I went to Ms. Fernbucks's room. There we had talked and talked and did stuff on the kuno for 20 minuets because that's how long I have her til or she has me til, I'm not sure..Then I go to WoodShop, I don't like it there though. Too many people, loud noises, I wish it would disappear! But in two weeks, I get to go to Art or is it Music? No one knows. My best friend is in WoodShop and so is, Skylar O'Gara! Mikaila (My best friend) pushed Skylar to help me with my project and she kept trying to ruin my life! Which I didn't want help, it was just painting so when it was drying I went into the girls' bathroom and cried, I don't know why I did though, stuff like this never makes me cry.
She like actually pushed him though-

Its then time for Learning Center well at least for me it is, for the others it's Spanish. This is my special time! Except this time, Mrs.O'Neil and Mrs. Badger are convinced are trying to get me on the same math level as my classmates, which is ridiculous because I can barely multiply five with eight, I keep trying to remember. My best has troubles too but that's with English,she just misspells often but she has help Mrs. O'Neil in the morning advisory. I get very upset when we then have to go to social studies. I go there, I don't have my kuno, I almost got busted until Mrs. O'Neil brings it in then I continue on with the, 'Yay I live' sorta moment.


Then its time for math and we have a test, Ms.Chant said I did okay on the homework but I wasn't quite, Getting It. I didn't understand what she meant. I spent 2 hours at home trying to figure it out, Mrs.O'Neil said she'll take me to her room for the test and she would help me with multiplying integers. I follow her to her room which is also my advisory and Learning Center room. I work on the test with her then we go to pass it in. Now everyone's playing math games, my best friend is playing with her boyfriend, Connor Bunker-who smells like poop because he farts all the time. Mrs. O'Neil says she'll just help me with positives and negatives in her room which is always fun because sometimes she gives me goldfish because I can't bring snacks. Then its time for lunch so I go down to the cafeteria and see Mrs. O'Neil has duty so I don't feel good about that because I usually eat with her because I do Not like the cafeteria especially since my best friend expects me to be a ta table with loud people who are also obnoxious then there's her mean cousin who smiles whenever he makes me feel sad. Which I do not like at all. I know he is smiling when he is mean because I've seen him make Mikaila angry which makes me angry, now I didn't read it off Mikaila's face because its too complex but knowing she's been my friend since last year I learned that when she's mean she stomps. And she was stomping. So she was angry with her cousin. I know he makes me sad because I was frowning and frowning means you do NOT like it.

I went out to recess with Mrs. O'Neil, she is nice but she didn't talk to me she had to make sure Emily Walker and Madison Bisonette weren't fighting. Those two never liked each other. Just like Dayona and Emily Spack. I didn't enjoy recess like the others though. It was too loud. Too noisy. And too crowded. Finally it was time for my favorite class, Ms. Nelson's, ELA.

Ms. Nelson smiles at me as I come in, I was the first person in. We had already finished The Giver and The Giver movie so now we were going to read Mocking Bird. Later on we will read Touching Spirit Bear. Which Ms. Nelson says might be a little too big for me but Mrs. O'Neil can help me with notes for it and with the words. I continue reading Mocking Bird, its a story about an autistic girl who is dealing with the loss of her brother. Which reminded me about how my brother says it took me a long time to realize our mom was gone although I wasn't even talking then but I was crying for her, because I was crying and she had always gotten me when I cried. But I was a Baby, I was Stupid. Ms. Nelson tells Mrs. O'Neil, I'm not sure if she Gets It. Then Mrs. O'Neil nods. What do I not get? I know they're talking about me, I'm the only one in the 7th grade they'd talk about with Mrs. O'Neil unless its someone in the advisory leaving stuff everywhere. Now its time for science, I scribbled my notes down then rushed out the door, Mrs. O'Neil was in every class but science. In Science it was Ms. Heimlich who was very nice but short, Mikaila was taller than her but Mikaila's very tall. Almost the tallest girl in 7th grade and I was the absolute shortest.  I didn't like that. Ms. Heimlich said that Mr. Hayman wants me in a group, then I said, Okay. It'll be Me and Me. Then she says, That's not what he meant, he wants you with someone, so why don't you work with Hannah? Okay... I say unsure, Hannah! Ms. Heimlich called her over, Hannah was a tall and skinny African American girl, I smiled my weird smile. Hannah and I went down to the lab, we worked on our lab sheet, she was quite bossy...It took everyone two days to work on it. It made me upset that Hannah could easily get all mad at me. She had an angry voice so it wasn't good. Then Ms. Heimlich says, Good job girls. You working together? I said N- but Hannah interrupted me and said, Yes. Yes, we are Ms. Heimlich. We weren't though, she's doing all the work, she won't let me do anything! And now finally its dismissal.
Tuesday-Worst day #2
Tuesday morning, everything is quiet. Until I get on the stinky bus! I am the first one on but it's on a few minuets until some noisy kids get on. I do not like noisy. I hum You Can't Stop The Beat from Hairspray while I chew on my sleeve a bit then a 3rd grader gets on, he's cool though since he's not that loud. Then is Connor Bunker aka FartBag or so I've heard his name was. Then it was his mean best friend, Matthew Swan then it was Kindergarten Connor who's last name I do not know. With these kids, it's a whole lot louder. I continued to suck and chew on my sweater's sleeve, Connor says, Ew, she's eating her shirt! Then I tell him, Its a sweater and I'm not eating it. It was one of those jacket sweaters not the itchy ones that you get for Christmas. Then Matthew looks at me weird, Are you like Kevin and Ryan? Kevin and Ryan were two kids who had to be in wheelchairs and made grunting noises, they had tablets to speak too. They're nice little 4th graders, they aren't in 3rd anymore, that was last year. Now the bus picks up Olivia and Cole Westover, Olivia isn't nice. Olivia's rude. And rolls her eyes are everyone. 
Connor farts, I almost puke. Matthew covers his face and says, Nice going Connor, you almost killed a little kid! He was referring to Cole Westover. Now was the time all the LOUD people got on. As if it wasn't bad enough already..Emily Spack and Abigail Canone get on, they're best friends, then its Amber Lynn, Brandon Herd, Brian and Ryan Gifford in 8th grade. And Abby's sister, Marie. And Jack. And Jonas. And then its Tommy Troon, then Tristian, he hates me. He asks Tommy, Aw, Dude, I feel bad that you guys have to ride the bus with this weirdo!  And Tommy says, Well she isn't that weird, she's actually kinda funny! I know they're talking about me, everyone does. Tommy makes a silly face to me, then I make one back, then we start laughing which means we are Happy. Emily says to me, Hey Aqua, a you going to Breakfast? I said, Yes, Senpai Emilieh! I said it in a funny way because it makes her smile. I read my book, The Books of Elsewhere, I continued to suck on my sleeve then we pick up Madison Bisonette and we go to school. I raise my hand to go to Breakfast. She lets me, Emily and Abby get off. I go inside, Azrael waves and Tristan Bolt says, Hi Aqua!!!  He's loud which I do not like but I simply wave. I go into breakfast and eat. I see Emily Wansor aka Emsqaud. Then I go to advisory and wait five minuets to go to OT.

After OT its Guidance so I rush down and I beat Mrs. Ulitz there.  She says, Oh darn, she beat me here! then I don't laugh but Mikaila giggles and everyone is smiling, I guess it was supposed to be funny. I am always last to understand the joke. She says that we'll be doing some buddy work and oddly enough, I got paired up with Skylar. Hi. He says in his funny voice, he has many of those. It made me smile because it made me happy. I then wait till we get what was call Harry which was an adorable puffball! It was a puffball with googly eyes! Ours was a white Harry. We called him, Albino Harry. then Skylar made a mustache for Harry. He was now, Albino Harry with Mustache. Skylar, we should put this here I said, I was forced to work with someone so I was signaled to communicate by Mikaila doing what is her signal for me, a her hand turning to the side then being clasped together by the other hand. It was over and time for for Learning Center, I go down to Learning Center, this time I see Mrs. Ferguson the Music Teacher. Hey, Mrs. Ferguson, I can't wait for you're class. I say then she says. I can't wait either! I practically jumping! This meant she was excited to have me in Music Class. I now am down in Learning Center except Mrs. Badger is absent because she had to work with the 6th graders. I had Learning Center in 6th grade too except it was in the early morning, before RTI which I only get on like Thursdays and Wednesdays because Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays I am working on skills like talking and writing. I looked at Mrs. O'Neil who last year was Ms. Roberts, she got married in the Summer, she said, Today we're going to start Reading. I liked to read, I read all the books Ms. Nelson and Mrs. Feddern have combined! Not mention most books in the School Library. The Librarian was My friend. My friend. She was a good Friend too. She always told me what books were in and what she needed done. I look at the book Mrs. O'Neil pulled out, it looked boring, Good Night Mr. Tom She read the label. I didn't like it. Not one bit. I wanna read something like Dracula or Christmas Carol or Gathering Blue!  I said to her. She said I was whining and judging the book by its cover but then she told me, Next book, you can choose.  This made me happy. I get to choose what she reads. We started to read Good Night Mr. Tom which wasn't too horrible then it was time for social studies. 

Then in math we went over what our scores on the test were, I got a B- because Mrs. O'Neil helped me a bit, I normally got F's on my own if I'm lucky a D- which meant that I am stupid. It was now time for lunch and this time Mrs. O'Neil let me eat in her room which made me happy because we watched a video about the atmosphere which I wasn't understanding in Science. I began to chew on the sleeve of my unicorn shirt, it had unicorns all over it and Mrs. O'Neil said, Aqua, that's what your food's for, honey. I nodded. Okay, Mrs. O'Neil. I occasionally called her Ms. Roberts which she answers to still. Mrs. O'Neil looked at me weird like she didn't Get It when she helped me with my assignment in Social Studies, write six things about the article on the drout. It was drout in like California or Florida. I wrote all the words correctly, I guess she just didn't understand them. I then continued sucking on my sleeve but she told me, Aqua, you're not writing neatly. I guess she was write, but I never do unless Mrs. Lassard tells me, Keep your letters On The Line. She typically says things I don't understand but all teachers do. Then I had ELA again, reading Mocking Bird. Then science working with Hannah. And stuff. We finally started building but she got mad..Again. I don't understand why. She brought up her loud tone of voice but I pretended it was nothing. Mr. Hayman looked at me and signaled me over, What's this? I'm not understanding why you put that there. He was talking about the lab sheet. I wasn't understanding why he couldn't understand.. I then spent half our building time trying to explain but I couldn't find the words so I just went back over to Hannah. I sighed and looked down, Hannah tried to make eye contact with me, I didn't like it. I just tried to put the tape on the top since were putting in our layers and tomorrow we'd be testing. 

The bus ride was a disaster, people screaming and shouting, I could barely think! I covered my ears and told Emily, Please be a little quieter, I am trying to read. Emily nodded. She Gets It. I started to read my book, The Books of Elsewhere. 
Wednesday- Worst Day #3
Connor was a butt on the bus again, this time calling me weird but finally, Mikaila started riding the bus! It made me so happy! But it also messed up my schedule because I couldn't read or write on my kuno now. Or read my book. Or talk to Emily. But it was okay. Breakfast was nice-ish, Emsqaud was being rude and Emily Spack and Abby didn't really understand what I was saying. I went to RTI and Ms. Chant says my handwriting is messy, but I was trying to make it visible, I chewed on my sleeve and continued trying to do the math but I was 19 minuets behind everybody, I still couldn't figure out the first problem! So Ms.Chant said we still needed a little work, I didn't know what she meant, everybody did fine then I realize, I was the problem. 
What's with you this year, I mean, I knew you always chewed on clothes but this is so weird. 
I knew Mikaila would bring this up, I thought I was perfectly normal. Until she pointed out more weirdness, when I got home from school  that day I looked up my 'weirdness' it said they were symptoms of autism I guess since she as living with an autistic boy who recently moved out she thought I was autistic.
My whole day was pretty normal after all this nonsense, flibbity flappety, woopty doopty, crippity crappity, fuckity nuckity shit.
Thursday-Worst day #4 
Bus ride, horrible as hell, but I kept in mind what those tests said but I didn't bring up ANYTHING.  I knew no would would believe me at like all, sure I acted strange but that's different. I'm just strange. I didn't like what the girls like, I liked cartoons, Disney, Dreamworks, Hasbro, stuff like that. I didn't want make up like them, I wanted dolls. Then Mikaila told Skylar I liked him. Like, why Mikaila!
Sorry random hashtag! Anyways, Mikaila, why did you tell him? This was a sacred   girl thing. I wanted to be normal, just yesterday you told me I'm weird and now today, you tell him I like him! Mikaila frowned, What the heck, Aqua? Its not the end of the world! She didn't understand. I don't want someone to hate me. Mikaila was popular as hell, if I get a friend, I don't want to loose them. I want to have friends. Although I just feel emotionally close to them often, I knew what a friend was, back in first grade I was told. I did not like today. Not at all. But I was already sleeping over on Friday to Sunday. I just sighed and walked away, indicating that I am sad. I looked at Mrs. O'Neil who said, What's wrong? How could she tell I am sad easily? I didn't Get It. Why could she know I'm sad without asking if I was crying? I can't tell my friends are sad easily. I just wondered how she could tell. I told Mrs. O'Neil the whole story then she got Mikaila back at Lunch/Recess, Babe, you don't just tell someone that someone likes them. This is so normal, just such normal 7th grade girl stuff right here. She said to us both but she mainly looked at Mikaila. I didn't know what was wrong with it, in WoodShop, she just threw a nail at me and hurriedly walked out. I knew she was upset, but I didn't know why..She never tells me these things. I looked Mikaila confused, she knew what I was feeling? I didn't Get It. I don't like when we fight. I say to Mikaila, then she hugs me, after I did make a motion to hug, after that we were cool.

Friday-Worstest day of them all 
The bus was just horrible, everyone shouting and screaming! I couldn't take it! I chewed on both my sleeves and covered my ears, I didn't get why even Emily Spack was being loud, she typically gets that I hate loud. I ended up not finishing my project in WoodShop and I didn't Get It when Mrs. Lassard said You need to press gently, like the wind in the trees. I didn't Get It, did she want me to push easier on the pencil or did she ant me to push the wind, just what? Collin Taylor called me Slave. On his way to Spanish and my way to Learning Center, last year I signed a contract. I didn't know how to tie shoes still, so I continued on my eye, it wasn't too big of a deal, Mikaila would tie it for me after Math. I didn't know why they called Math what it was called and not Mathematics or Mathe. I didn't Get It when Ms. Chant wanted us to Move On. Some people didn't get Integers still, I was mainly one of those people, learning two things at once. Lunch was easy-ish, I went into Ms. Nelson's room for recess and ELA was easy except the Kuno part.. My kuno was a butt-hole. Finally Science Class, I had gotten to work on the testing part except Hannah left me alone, so I did all the tests myself, she just told me what number to watch till, like start at five wait til 9. instead of saying 3 or 4 minuets...Middle School Sucks Crap

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